
With online learning you can access the content an unlimited number of times. This is especially required at the time of revision when preparing for a specific task.


e-learning enables businesses to achieve a much higher degree of coverage to communicate their product and service messages consistently to their target audience.

Greener & Cost-Effective

In terms of outlay, businesses no longer have to spend on commuting, and classroom & infrastructure costs – paper consumption is significantly reduced.

Delivering highly effective online learning solutions from North East England

online learning

Save Time & Money

Reduce time away from your place of work – cutting down on travel costs and accommodation.

High Retention Rate

eLearning courses result in a higher knowledge retention rate, with the advantage of being able to retake the course at any time.


Learners have the benefit of learning where and when they want to, across all devices and at their own pace.

Why choose us


Professional work

Courses are designed exactly to the client specifications – drafts are provided for easy review.

Speedy turnaround

Working closely to client schedules – your new course will be available for viewing before you know it!

Great ideas!

Transforming legacy desktop-only courses into fully responsive modules, opening up a new world of learning.

The courses displayed below have been tailor-made for National Energy Action. By clicking on each image, you can effortlessly access the respective course outlines in a new tab.

I have had the satisfaction of working successfully with John. I found JLWeb to be professional, listening to opinions with interest, offering suggestions based upon expert knowledge and demonstrating a sincere willingness to try new strategies, ending in an excellent result.

Valerie Whitehouse - Knowledge Management Specialist
Huntsman Pigments - UK

John is a delight to work with; quick responses, positive attitude and great insight – means he is not only a consultant, but an integral part of the team.

Colin Dunn – Assistant Training and Assessment Manager
National Energy Action

Having worked with JLWeb for over twelve years we have been delighted with the quality and standard of the product and service provided.

The online products JLWeb created for NEA have enabled our messages to be accessed by many more people, as well as opening up many more markets to us.

Chris Ellis - Training and Assessment Manager
National Energy Action

Working closely with JLWeb has proved very beneficial – several e-learning modules have been rolled out globally and all have been very well received.

Ann Reynders - Product EHS Group
Huntsman (Europe) BVBA - Belgium

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